

Spaghetti integrali aglio, olio e pomodori secchi

Spaghetti integrali aglio, olio e pomodori secchi

I piatti semplici della nostra tradizione sono sempre i più amati: in effetti, quale altro piatto può battere un classico spaghetto aglio e olio? Se poi viene servito con un tocco in più, ad esempio con l’aggiunta di Pomodori Secchi essiccati al sole e marinati in Olio Extra Vergine di Oliva… allora il risultato è assolutamente sublime! Ingredienti per 2 persone  200 g Spaghetti Integrali Colavita 10 Pomodori Essiccati al Sole Colavita 50 g Olive Snocciolate Colavita 1 scalogno 1 spicchio d'aglio 2 cucchiai di Olio Extra Vergine di Oliva Colavita Sale  Pepe Origano fresco Pulite e tritate lo scalogno....

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Insalata di rucola, pera, parmigiano e Glassa Classica

Rocket, pear and parmesan Salad with Original Glaze

Summer is salad season – but to make them truly tasty and inviting, choosing top quality products is essential. This special recipe is light, fresh, ideal for a quick lunch or as a starter: a rocket, pear, and parmesan salad with Original Glaze with Balsamic vinegar of Modena. The finishing touch is down to the Colavita Glaze, made with Balsamic Vinegar of Modena, giving an intense flavour to this fresh and delicate recipe.  Ingredients for 2 people: 1 handful of rocket 1 crunchy red William pear ½ a lemon 30g of Parmesan (Parmigiano Reggiano) 1 spoon of Colavita Extra Virgin...

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Pomodori ripieni di riso

Rice-stuffed Tomatoes

Stuffed tomatoes are an excellent one-course meal, fresh and easy to digest, and perfect for a midsummer lunch. A simple recipe that we have chosen to create with top quality ingredients: Italian tomatoes, Colavita Arborio Rice and Colavita Premium Italian Extra Virgin Olive Oil. The perfect trio! Ingredients for 4 people: 6 tomatoes for stuffing2 medium potatoes200g Colavita Arborio riceColavita Extra Virgin Olive OilSalt1 clove of garlic, chopped1 teaspoon of dried oregano1 sprig of parsley, choppedWash and dry the tomatoes, cutting the top off and setting aside. Gently remove the inside of the tomatoes with a spoon and set aside...

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Cous cous con verdure

Couscous with Vegetables

A great dish for lovers of strong and spicy flavours! Try it hot for an unusual evening meal, accompanied by a sauce, or cold to take with you to the beach for lunch. We can guarantee it will win you over! Ingredients:1 cup of Colavita couscous1 cup of boiling water2 yellow or green courgettes100g of mixed tomatoes100g of coloured sweet peppers (optional)Fresh basil and oregano5 spoons of Colavita Extra Virgin Olive OilPrepare the couscous by covering it with boiling water and a spoon of extra virgin olive oil. Leave it covered for 5 minutes. Wash and slice the vegetables and...

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